Sunday, May 15, 2011

Massage Chairs Are Choicest Relief For Pain From Polymyalgia And ...

Fibromyalgia and polymyalgia are two different conditions. Although you would think them to be quite the same, they are very different in many ways. In general, fibromyalgia involves the fibrous tissue where as polymyalgia affects the joint and muscle areas. Both of these conditions result in stiffness to the soft tissues areas resulting in pain. Massage chairs have been used to help sufferers of both fibromyalgia and polymyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is one noted for more pain and fatigue. The tendons and ligaments tend to get more brittle and since they are small, the pain can become intense. The tough situation with fibromyalgia is that the symptoms can be found throughout the body. Other common complaints are spasms and burning sensations.

Polymyalgia or polymyalgia rheumatica, affects the joint and muscle areas. This condition is inflammatory in nature, whereas fibromyalgia is not. Polymyalgia most commonly affects the elderly population. Most sufferers of this condition are women and are frequently descendents of Scandinavia or northern Europe.

Possible origins of polymyalgia may come from a genetic disorder, rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disorder or environmental factors although this is not certain. The symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica are stiffness and pain in the muscles of the upper thighs, neck, hips, shoulders and upper arms. Sufferers may also have weight loss, fever, and/or loss of appetite. These symptoms can come on without warning.

Like any new routine, it starts with the basics. It?s important to get a reinforcing routine going. Start your day with some light stretching. Help the major muscles that are stiff become more flexible. Perform light exercises to help build stamina and strength. Restore your muscles and joints with massage chair therapy.

Natural methods of treatment include stretching, light exercise and massage therapy. The focus is on restoring more flexibility and elasticity to the soft tissue areas. Stretching helps to elongate the soft tissues to restore elasticity. Light exercise helps to increase the strength of the soft tissues. Massage therapy is used to elongate the muscles to help them recover after exercise and to keep them elastic.

Getting a routine going is important. Your routine needs to be sustainable. It is important to restore the flexibility little by little. This is where a massage chair can be very convenient to your recovery. It is always available when you need it. When your symptoms flare up, you can grab a seat and apply massage therapy or others treatments where you need it.

One has to get over the initial pain hurdle which is getting the soft tissue areas more elastic. This is the toughest part of getting on a path to normalization. A routine of diet, exercise, stretching and massage is important to keep the soft tissues from becoming rigid again.

Massage chairs provide you with the tools you need when you feel stiffness. You can apply different massage techniques to the area you need. You can focus it until it relieves a certain area. This helps to maintain better control over your daily routine.

Check with your health professional, who can provide you with the routine which is right for your individual needs. Ask them important questions about diet, exercise and massage chair therapy. Find out how you can relieve your symptoms actually to gain better control over your daily routine. A massage chair may be your most reliable friend to cope with these conditions.

If you have aches, tenderness and discomfort, see how Polymyalgia Massage Chairs can help provide relief when you need it. Find the best Massage Chair selection on the internet for effective relief of stiff and tight muscles.


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