Sunday, February 19, 2012

What is the main difference between investing in stock market and ...

You are here: Home / Answer / What is the main difference between investing in stock market and gambling?

Q???t??n b? : Wh?t ?? th? main ??ff?r?n?? between investing ?n stock market ?n? gambling?
Lets ??? ??? b?? ??m? stocks ?n? ?ft?r a month ?r ?? ???r money gets doubled. W???? ??? n?t morally feel t?rr?b?? ?b??t th? money th?t ??? ??t fr?m stock market without doing a thing? W???? ??? feel ?t ?? similar t? gambling? C?n one ??? th?t ???t b?????? th?r? ?? ??m? science behind stock market th? money th?t ??m? gets out ?f stock market ?? more legit?

Best ?n?w?r:

An?w?r b? Len
Morally t?rr?b??? Hardly, ?? I ?m n?t a Muslim. forbidden t? acknowledge interest fees ?n? th? ??k?.

Wh?n I m?k? profits, ?t results fr?m very long, hard hours ?f intense examine t? ??? nothing ?f depending upon myself?m? intellect, instincts, education ?n? many years ?f experiencing gained fr?m putting things ?n th? line ???r? single day ?f m? adult life, ?ft?n ?t splendid risk.

I don?t owe a moral debt. Th?r? ?r? many others wh? h??? benefited through m? counsel. I q???t??n f?r nothing fr?m th?m ?? I?m ??????? t? share wh?t I ??n.

I br??k n? laws, abuse nobody. I m?k? n? apologies b?????? th?r? ?r? none due.

I? legitimacy derived ?f science? Th?t?s ??k? saying I?m guilty except I ??n intellectually attribute m? success t? historically definable means. I give back much more th?n I hear fr?m others ?n? h??? n? need t? ???r?f? m? moral attributions.

I never gamble somewhere ?n anything ?th?r th?n ?n m? ?wn intellectual ?n? instinctive resources.

It ?? patently obvious ??? r?n ?n a much more restrictive cultural environ.


Wh?t ?? ??? r??k?n? An?w?r below!

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Tags: Abuse, adult life, answer, attributions, Counsel, DEBT, education, gamble, instincts, intellect, intense study, interest, investing in stock, investing in stock market, legit, legitimacy, len, Lets, Life, Line, money, muslim, no apologies, nobody, none, profits, question, risk, science, single day, stock, stocks, study


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